Natasha Amanda Hide

Friday 29 May 2020

Be a wildflower!

Wildflowers adapt and bloom wherever they want, be a wildflower…

I’ve had a lot of thoughts running through my head lately around a certain topic and I just wanted to share my thoughts on it. I guess since lockdown everyone has a lot more time to themselves. I know I have. Across all social platforms the topic on gaining weight has been circulating the web and I want to shed a little light and positivity on this and what I’ve been doing to make myself feel good.

First and foremost this is a pandemic. None of us chose to be off work and told to stay in our houses. We simply had to do it to save lives. Our daily routines of going to work, driving to our favourite coffee shops was taken away overnight. So all of a sudden we were left with a feeling of ‘What do I do now’! Alot of unwanted pressure can come with this, to stay active, be productive everyday and keep ourselves busy. But guess what! You don’t have too. Whatever it is that you enjoy doing, weather that be sitting outside and reading a book, creating, baking, writing whatever it is that makes you happy, DO THAT.  If you’ve gained a few pounds or lost a few, chosen to do some home workouts or simply just gone for a walk everyday. It doesn’t matter! YOU ARE ENOUGH, JUST AS YOU ARE!

For me I’ve somehow stumbled into working out again. I didn’t have any goals going into lockdown to ‘get fit’ or anything like that. One day I was bored and I just did it for something to do. I really didn’t expect to keep it up if I’m honest because I’ve been down this road before where I would do a few workouts a week and not continue with it. I just didn’t have the motivation.  

I had been scrolling through tiktok and came across this girl who had posted a home workout. Her name was Megan Grubb. I later found her instagram and turns out she does lives workouts everyday on her page. She’s a qualified fitness instructor and has basically made a career out of her fitness journey and workouts. Her positive energy I immediately became hooked to and it felt like I have a friend working out with me.  I take one 1 hour out of my day for myself, to work on myself. If I’m ever in a bad mood I know I’m going to feel better after doing one. It gives my days a bit of structure as lets me honest they all just mould into one at this point. Physically and mentally I feel stronger. I feel so much more content and better about my body. I’m drinking more water and I’m even eating better.

We all have those days when we don’t feel like ourselves and look in the mirror and wish I had a flatter stomach or slimmer thighs but I’ve come to realise that no body is the same and I think we need to remind ourselves of that because it is so easy to compare our bodies to the ones we see on instagram and wish we had a certain figure.  So don’t beat yourself up if you’ve not been as active as you would like to be during this time, it doesn’t matter. What matters is you being happy and content in your own skin. Listen to your body and take this time to put yourself first.

One day you will look back and see that all along you were blooming…

Love Tash x

Thursday 2 April 2020

Current thoughts...

13 days staying in…

What strange times… Not really sure how to start this one off, who would have thought 2020 the start of a new decade would start the way it did. We are experiencing a global event that is changing lives as we speak. Major cities across the world are asleep, we leave our homes to gather essentials, medicine, walk our dog. Nothing else. The hustle and bustle of our towns, our cities are dead. No retailers are trading. I work for essentially the biggest fashion retailer in its sector. We had no choice but to shut. Staying in has become the new norm.

I enjoy my own company, I’m an introvert at best so the whole staying in when I don’t feel like going out isn’t exactly new to me. The uncertainty of not knowing when ill be back in my job that I love or when I’ll get to see my friends again however is not sitting well with me. Its the one thing I don’t have control over. This could go on for months, no-one really knows how or when this will end. Now I could sit here and list the things I miss but I’m not going to do that. 

This time is a chance, an opportunity for me to get creative, I already do this somewhat on the daily anyway. Its who I am. Home photoshoots, tidy, organise, draw, read some books. Its the one thing keeping me going. Its giving us all a chance to reset and recharge and remember what is important. Spend time with our families, bake, watch, binge do all the things we ‘didn’t have time for’ or because we had other plans. You will see your friends again, for now FaceTime them, message them there only a phonecall away. The photos in this post I toke in my bedroom, just me, a white sheet and a camera. Self timer is a wonderful thing. I hope to create more content like this.

I sit on the edge of my bed typing this still in my pyjamas because this fit and loungewear has basically become my new uniform. Online retailers still in business with sales rising for the latest joggers and loungewear. Supermarket shelves empty from toilet paper and anti-bacterial products because the nation went into panic. Who would have thought a virus that started in china would even reach as far as the UK. Countries are in lockdown the death tolls are rising and yet the young don’t seem to understand why they can’t go to school and think its one big holiday and want to see their friends and hang out in their local parks. 

Stay at home. I’m sure your all sick of hearing it. No-one is immune from this virus you only have to look at the news to know this. Stay inside for the sake of your families, wash your hands and be grateful for what is around you. This will end. So for now go do something that makes you happy, make a cup of coffee, read that book that’s been on the shelf for months, clearout your room, order those shoes if it makes you happy. Take a walk to get some fresh air, whatever it is you have to do to keep going.

Stay positive and stay healthy my loves.

Love Tash x 

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